Artistic, spontaneous and fun! With more than 35 years of experience...don't let the gray hair fool you, I still love what I do! Photography has been more than a career; it has become my third child. It keeps me awake at night...editing, drives me crazy...last minute editing, and allows me to escape into a place of pure "flow"...that creative place where I am one with what I do! As such, photography is what a truly love!

I have two degrees in photography. Graduating in 2010 from Cosumnes river College with an Associate of Arts, and in 2012, I received a Bachelor of Arts in photography with a minor in journalism from California State University, Sacramento. Currently, I am working on a masters degree in Recreation, Parks and Tourism Admin with a concentration in wine and agritourism. (Wait, what does this have to do with photography?) Thus, I spend an enormous amount of time doing research,  writing, and photographing wine related stories in a blog. I also actively pursue the permaculture lifestyle which enables me to grow my own food and spend time outdoors...taking those phenomenal editorial photos and my other passion, street photography! (Yes, I love to document stories!) 

Although my primary focus is in photojournalism and editorial photography, I will occasionally...rarely, and only if prodded incessantly, photograph a wedding. I do though still enjoy portrait work, and will without any reservation photograph portraits and events. Please send me an email or call for pricing.

Enjoy what you see, it will change often. Blessings,
